Starts 06/13/2024 19:30 (Thursday)
Ends 06/13/2024 20:30 (Thursday) Central Standard Time
Duration 1h
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With a constitution built from iron, William “Bill” Steele has ventured into some of the deepest caves in the world, including Sistema Huautla. Located in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, he has led more than a dozen expeditions in this famed cave over the past four decades.
Also the author of Yochib: The River Cave and Huautla: Thirty Years in One of the World's Deepest Caves, Bill will share some of his spelunking adventures at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at the Allen Public Library.
Bill has crawled, climbed and descended through more than 2,500 caves around the globe. This includes the exploration and mapping of Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, the world’s longest cave, and two of the longest known caves in China. He is also member of the prestigious Explorers Club, whose members include divers, astronauts, and mountain climbers. In 2018, researchers named a hairy-legged species of cave tarantula Hemirrhagus billsteelei in his honor.
Bill has appeared on television shows such as the “National Geographic Explorer”, “NOVA” and “How’d They Do That?”.
Can’t be there in person? The program will also be streamed live on ACTV. Find viewing options at Watch ACTV or view online at or
The library is located at 300 N. Allen Dr. Call 214-509-4911 for additional information.