Starts 06/08/2023 19:30 (Thursday)
Ends 06/08/2023 20:30 (Thursday) Central Standard Time
Duration 1h
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The translations of hieroglyphic records from the Tulli Papyrus reveal that one winter morning around the year 1482 B.C., Thutmose III, who reigned Egypt at that time first saw a fiery disks or UFOs. Are there depictions of extraterrestrial visitations among ancient civilizations? In ancient art? Listen to Stratton Horres and Alex Macon at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 8 at the Allen Public Library. Admission to the program is free, and find viewing options at Watch ACTV or view online at or
Stratton Horres, trial attorney, and published author on the divine goddess mystique. He is the co-author of Showing Up: An Action Plan for Personal Growth & Following Your Bliss, author of I Am You Are Me, and Using The Legal Deposition to Find Your Own Truth.
Alex Macon is a contributing writer to Texas Monthly and The Dallas Morning News. He was formerly with D Magazine
The library is located at 300 N. Allen Dr. Call 214-509-4911 for further information.