Tom Keener – Guest Contributor
Jan 8 @ 10:37 am
Ken Byler Art Exhibit at Allen Heritage Village



Central Standard Time



Allen Heritage Village
352 St. Mary Dr.
Allen, Texas 75002

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Artists without formal training, who learned from family, community, and personal journeys, have long been a presence in American art, and local artist Ken Byler is no exception. Ken Byler painted architectural structures, natural landscapes and nostalgic scenes of Texas and the Southwest.  An exhibition of Ken’s artwork will be on display and will be for sale at 11-5 Saturday, January 20 at the Allen Heritage Village, 352 E. St. Mary Dr.  For information call 972-740-8017.    

The son of Ray and Marzee Bylar, Ken was raised on the Ingram farm--Cottonwood Bend--which had been in the family for three generations.  During the Depression, family members that lost their farms or jobs took refuge on the Ingram farm.  Ken described it “an island of comfort in a river of misery.  Ken is the only Allenite who can declare that both parents and grandparents could call Allen their home.