Dinos Under the Eclipse



Central Standard Time



The Dinosaur Company
ALLEN, Texas 75013-8017

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Join us to watch the total solar eclipse from our location in Allen, Tx on April, 8, 2024!


We are thrilled to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime event with an amazing watch party from our location! The Dinosaur Company staff will be on-site with fun activities before & after the eclipse.

What does this event include?

  • ISO certified eclipse glasses for every guests

  • Fun dinosaur games and activities

  • Craft activities led by The Dinosaur Company staff will be available leading up to & after the eclipse

  • See some of the actual creatures we make! The Dinosaur Company Creature Corral will be open before and after the eclipse reaches totality. (See below to learn more about our Creature Corral.) And you might even find a few dinosaurs roaming the parking lot!!

  • It's BYOP (Picnic). You can bring your own food! Snacks and drinks will also be available to purchase.


Monday 4/8/24

Event begins at 1pm
Start totality at 1:41pm
Max eclipse at 1:43pm
End totality at 1:44pm
Event ends at 3pm


Tickets are free and include 1 pair of ISO certified eclipse glasses per person. Registration is required.

Donations to the non-profit Spark Wonder LAB are appreciated. Spark Wonder LAB is dedicated to making quality education and inspiration in STEAM accessible to all, regardless of age.


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