Kusum Sharma – Guest Contributor
Mar 22 @ 8:33 am



Central Standard Time


Recur every 1 week(s) on Sunday and Saturday for a maximum of 2 occurrences.


Radha Krishna Temple of Dallas
1450 N. Watters Road, Allen, TX 75013
Allen, Texas 75013

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JKYog & Radha Krishna Temple of Dallas brings to the Dallas Metropolitan Area and Worldwide, the most awaited event of the year -Holika Dahan - Sunday March 24th & Phoolon Ki Holi 2024 on Saturday  March 30th, 2024!

Holi is known as a festival that encourages even enemies to bury the hatchet, forgive mistakes and renew loving sentiments towards all. As they say in India "Bura na Mano Holi Hai" - Don't feel bad on the day of Holi. Read this blog to cultivate forgiveness.

But beyond this is the devotional significance of this festival. It is the day that Prahlad Maharaj sat calmly in the fire in the lap of Holika - the final attempt by his father Hiranyakashipu to punish him for praising Lord Vishnu. Due to the special grace of Lord Vishnu on a selfless devotee, Prahlad Maharaj felt as if soft flower petals were falling on him instead of seething flames. Prahlad Maharaj did not ask to be saved, instead God protected his surrendered devotee. When Hiranyakashipu challenged him,"Where is this God and why is He not here to rescue you from me?", Prahlad pointed out that He was everywhere. At that very moment Lord Vishnu tore open the pillar in the terrifying form of Nrisingh Dev validating his statement. Thus Holi is a celebration of the omnipresence of God.

Holi is also celebrated as Gaur Poornima or the divine appearance day of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, the combined incarnation of Shree Radha Krishna. He specially descended at Advaitacharya's humble request to spread the Bliss of chanting the Holy Name of God and freely distribute the nectar of Bhakti to rescue the souls of Kaliyuga from the clutches of Maya.