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To continue their mission to assist homeless families in Collin County, Family Promise of Collin County is hosting the fifth annual Cardboard Box City on April 5-6 at the Lovejoy High School stadium in Lucas from 6 p.m. to 7 a.m.  This event is designed to raise awareness of the plight of local homeless families and to raise funds by asking teens to give up their beds to spend the night in a cardboard box. The funds raised will aid Family Promise of Collin County as they work to help families get back on their feet.

The fundraising event is designed for teens in 6th – 12th grade. They will spend the night in a personalized cardboard box they decorate, thereby creating a Cardboard Box City within the stadium. CBCC participants donate $35 in “rent, but are encouraged to raise additional money through pledges and sponsors.  Those interested in contributing, but not able to attend, can be a virtual resident for a $100 donation.  The evening includes food, live entertainment, games, movies, a service project for the homeless, and presentations by former guests of Family Promise. To register for CBCCC, complete the online form on the Family Promise website or call 972-442-6966

“Through its generous interfaith network of volunteers from 21 area congregations, Family Promise helps to keep families together while assisting parents in achieving the financial stability needed to give their children stable homes,” Family Promise of Collin County Board President, Ken Helvey, Ed.D said. “Last year, Cardboard Box City had over 150 participants and raised over $8,000 to help provide shelter, food and case management for the county’s homeless families. This year, we hope to increase participation and pledges with a program of live entertainment and speakers, as well as prizes for the most creative dwelling and most pledges raised.”


CBCC sponsors include: My Print Choice, C&S Media (The Wylie News, The Sachse News, The Murphy Monitor and In & Around Magazine), Rodenbaugh Flooring America and Stonebridge United Methodist Church.  Those interested in tax-deductible sponsorships for the event candownload and complete a Sponsorship package and mail or call:

Family Promise of Collin County
PO Box 1601 Dept. CBBC
Allen, TX 75013


Information provided by Family Promise of Collin County.