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Set in the 1930s, EPIC PROPORTIONS tells the story of two brothers, Benny and Phil, who go to the Arizona desert to be extras in the huge Biblical epic Exeunt Omnes. Things move very quickly in this riotous comedy and before you know it, Phil is directing the movie, and Benny is starring in it. To complicate matters further they both fall in love with Louise, the assistant director in charge of the extras. Along the way there are gladiator battles, the Ten Plagues and a cast of thousands portrayed by four other actors.

 Epic Proportions  written by Larry Coen and David Crane  has heavy technical demands with grand scale sets, costumes, lighting, and sound. The idea is that we are backstage at a heroic Biblical movie like Ben Hur, The Ten Commandments, or Spartacus.  Critics say Epic Proportions is"…everything in it is a delight…it's delicious." —NY Post. "…clever, witty spoof of Hollywood will have you in stitches." —American Reporter.

Show performances are January 27th-February 12th, 2017, Thursdays at 7:30pm, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 3pm.  This is the third show of the Allen’s Community Theatre 2016-17 season “Make ‘Em Laugh”.

Meet the Cast:

Benny - Eric Dietrich

Phil - Colin Wells

Louise - Lauren Madden


The Cast of 1000's

Randy Sandifer

Blake Seabourn

Bryan Madden

Penny Chinn

Elise Chinn


Performances: Allen’s Community Theatre (ACT), 1210 E. Main Street #300, Allen, Texas 75002 (SW corner of Allen Heights and Main Street)

Performance dates: January 27,  28, February 3, 4, 10, 11 @ 8pm, February 2, 9 @ 7:30pm and January 29, February 5, 12 @ 3pm.

Purchase tickets in advance at

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