Stacy Cooper – Guest Contributor
Jul 21 2015
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**URGENT NEED** The ACO's Food Pantry shelves are critically low on food supplies. Today several different children came in asking for their Summer Food bag, but had to be turned away because there were none available at this time.  Summer Food is made available to those children that would normally be on free and reduced lunch during the school year, but are home for the summer.  Since school was out for summer, over 700 bags have been given away, with we still a month of summer to go. Please help us feed these kids for the remainder of the summer!

Current Food Pantry Needs

Low Sugar Breakfast Cereal
Low Sugar Instant Oatmeal
Granola Bars
Fresh Apples, Oranges, Bananas & Grapes
Shelf-stable Almond Milk
Low-Sugar Juice Boxes
Hot Dogs/ Turkey Franks
Low Fat Packages Lunch Meats
Whole Grain Sliced Bread
Low Sodium Pop-Top Soups
Spaghettios/ Ravioli
Mac & Cheese- Individual Servings
Trail Mix- Dried Fruit and Nut
Cheese Sticks
Peanut Butter / Jelly
Fat Free Pudding Cups
Low Sugar Fruit Cups

In addition to food donations, donations of grocery store gift cards are needed, or you can choose to make a donation online at to help prevent hunger in our communities.  Please help so that we don't have to turn anyone else away!