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Husky Spirit wear & Hydrous ticket sales

Tonight Ereckson Middle School counselors, Renae Perez and Kim Petty, hosted a parent information meeting on campus.  The event was well attended by EMS's incoming 7th grade parents. PTA was pleased to invite special guests, Dr. Lance Hindt, Allen ISD superintendent, and Louise Masters, Allen ISD school board president to champion PTA's efforts within the school community.  Also present was Amy Gnadt, EMS & PTA parent and AISD board member.  

Sam Abiog, PTA president along with PTA board members organized tables at the event where membership bundles, spiritwear and Back to School Bash (Hydrous Waterpark) tickets were showcased and sold.

Louise Masters' speech highlighted PTA's strengths and the benefits of parents and community businesses partnering togeher with the school. This partnership then provides an outstanding learning environment with programs and social events that recognize the potential of every child no matter what their interest: academic enrichment, band, drama, robotics, athletics and more. This is PTA's new campaign 'BACK THE FUTURE'; investing in our kids by bridging the community.

Local businesses that have sponsored BACK THE FUTURE to date are:

Kwick Dry Cleaners on Custer Road, Stephanie Fontenot, Ebby Halliday Realtors, Allen Eye Associates, Drs. Jay Ghosh and Lofgren from Creekview Orthodontics with the list growing. Business sponsorships are still being accepted.  For more information email

Ereckson principal, Kim McLaughlin and her staff are enthusiastic supporters of their students and welcomes PTA as partners of the same vision.  The PTA Board looks forward to next week's Husky Round-up on August 18th & 19th.  For more information visit