Cammy Hatzenbuehler

Good choices in clothing is one of the key elements of a great photo session.  You don’t necessarily need to “dress up” for your portrait session. The best images are usually captured when you wear clothing that you are comfortable in and outfits that match your unique style.


It’s a great idea to plan the outfits 2 weeks before the session. This will lower your stress level on session day.  Clothing should be simple and timeless.  For group sessions, clothing should be coordinated.  Favorites are jeans, khaki colored pants, white, black or neutral colored shirts, sundresses, gowns, hats and bare feet.  Steer clear of busy patterns, bright colors, or logos and consider bringing along several different clothing changes. Adding or removing a jacket, changing into different shoes, or putting on a different shirt can change your outfit just enough to make it appear that you are wearing an entirely different wardrobe. Also be sure that your clothing is clean and free of wrinkles.


If you need some ideas or inspiration, check out my Pinterest board “Ideas – What to Wear for Your Photo Shoot” at