
A New Year means new goals and resolutions, with health and fitness often at the top of the list. After all, who wouldn’t like to have that extra boost of energy, confidence and a rockin’ body? Changing your attitude and approach to a healthy lifestyle might just make 2014 the year you actually see results, and keep them. After all, it’s a good idea to make health a priority so you can avoid costly doctor bills and avoid any out-of-pocket expenses on your healthcare insurance.

Technology is making it easier than ever before to reach fitness goals. As they say, there’s an app for that! From apps that communicate with tennis shoes and fitness watches to calorie trackers, we can expect to see a continued upswing in health technology. These advances will not only help improve our health – they will make fitness more convenient and affordable.

Individualized Fitness Plans, Thanks to Technology

Let’s face it; talking yourself into going to work out can take some doing. Plus, it takes time out of your already busy life. Living in a society where time is limited and convenience is crucial, working out on your own schedule increases the chances of meeting goals. Fitness training, as opposed to some team sports, can be performed in an extremely flexible way – 7 days a week, often 24 hours a day, whenever you have time. In fact, many gyms now provide 24-hour access for those who have unusual schedules or just need to work out at midnight.

To that end, many gyms are now looking at ways to incorporate smart device apps into their own programs. Doing so not only gives their customers a way to work out at the gym, but also supplement while they are away.

Smart device apps and personal technology already offer some of the same services available in the past only through a personal trainer, including customized workout plans that evolve as your performance improves. Because working out has shifted to a more individualistic approach, personal trainers are expected to play a different but important role going forward. They will develop more programs and perhaps even help customize apps for clients, ensuring that the work-out approach is more individualized and better for the customer.

The Future of Health and Wellness

In the fitness and wellness sector, just as in the rest of our society, technology is reshaping the market and opening up new possibilities. Web-based and customized training, individual training plan management and analysis – retrievable anywhere, anytime – are hot in fitness. The same goes for counting calories, staying on good eating plans and even buying your groceries.

Technology simplifies our lives, allowing us to individualize our fitness goals and wellness plans. It’s never been easier to stay on track!

With the continuing changes in healthcare, it’s even more important to take care of yourself so you can avoid costly doctor bills. Plus, you want to keep your kiddos in school, and you and your spouse at work, so take a few minutes and find your favorite app to help you stay healthy in 2014!

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