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How to Clean a Shower So It Sparkles from Top to Bottom

Say goodbye to a dirty shower with this ultimate routine! Follow these steps to keep your shower sparkling clean from top to bottom.

Cleaning the shower can be a daunting task, but with the proper routine, it can be a breeze. 

Follow these steps to keep your shower looking sparkling clean, from the showerhead to the floor. Say goodbye to soap scum and grime and hello to a fresh and clean shower every time.

Gather Your Supplies.

Before you start cleaning your shower, make sure you have all the necessary supplies. You will need a scrub brush, a squeegee, a cleaning solution (such as vinegar and water or a commercial cleaner), a bucket, and a microfiber cloth. 

It’s also a good idea to wear gloves to protect your hands from any harsh chemicals in the cleaning solution. Once you have everything you need, you’re ready to start cleaning!

Products & Tools

The products and tools that you’re going to need for this are:

  • Tub and tile cleaner (here’s a great DIY tub and tile cleaner)

  • All-purpose bathroom cleaner

  • Microfiber cloth,

  • Rubber gloves

  • Squeegee

  • Non-scratching sponge

  • Microfiber cloth

  • Cleaning toothbrush. 

Cleaning tools recommender Clean a Shower

Eraser Scrub Daddy 10 x

When scrubbing the walls and floor of your shower, having the right cleaning tool can make all the difference. That’s where the Scrub  Daddy comes in. This versatile sponge is perfect for tackling tough stains and grime, while still being gentle enough to use on delicate surfaces. 

Plus, its unique texture changes based on the temperature of the water, making it even more effective at scrubbing away dirt and grime. Simply wet the Scrub Daddy, apply your cleaning solution, and start scrubbing away. Your shower will be sparkling clean in no time!

Scotch-Brite, Bath Scrubber to Clean a Shower

Scrubbing the walls and floor of your shower may not be the most enjoyable task, but it’s essential for keeping your shower sparkling clean. To make the job easier, invest in a high-quality scrub brush or sponge, like the Scrub Daddy or Scotch-Brite Bath Scrubber. These tools are designed to tackle tough stains and grime, while still being gentle enough to use on delicate surfaces. 


5 Easy Tips for Cleaning Your Shower


Some easy tips for cleaning your shower include using a squeegee after each use to prevent buildup, using a homemade cleaning solution of vinegar and water, using a scrub brush or sponge to tackle tough stains, and regularly cleaning shower curtains and liners.

Here are some easy tips for cleaning your shower: 


1) Use a squeegee to wipe down the walls and doors after each use, 


2) Use a daily shower cleaner spray, 


3) Use a scrub brush and cleaner to tackle tough stains, 


4) Use vinegar and baking soda to remove soap scum, 


5) Use a magic eraser to clean the grout, and 


6) Don't forget to clean the showerhead.

The Best Tools for Cleaning Your Shower


Some of the best tools for cleaning your shower include a scrub brush, a squeegee, a microfiber cloth, and a cleaning solution (such as vinegar and water or a commercial cleaner). 

You may also want to consider using a steam cleaner or a magic eraser for tough stains.

Need help whit your house cleaning needs  we can help you 

Regular Cleaning Routine

To keep your shower looking its best, it’s important to establish a regular cleaning routine. Start by scrubbing the walls, floor, and fixtures with a cleaning solution of your choice.

After you have scrubbed the shower walls, floor, and fixtures, it’s time to rinse everything off. Use a detachable showerhead or a bucket of warm water to rinse away all the cleaning solution. Make sure to rinse thoroughly to avoid leaving any residue behind.

Once everything is rinsed, use a squeegee to dry the shower walls and floor. This will help prevent water spots and keep your shower looking sparkling clean.  visit our blog 


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