Starts 01/25/2025 08:45 (Saturday)
Ends 01/25/2025 15:00 (Saturday) Central Standard Time
Duration 6h, 15m
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The St. Jude Career Alliance will introduce a new career development curriculum at its quarterly job search workshop on Saturday, January 25, 2025. Titled Empowering Your Career Journey, One Step at a Time, this program reflects the post-Pandemic changes in the job search market as well as feedback from Career Alliance workshop attendees over the past 18 months. It will be held on the campus of St. Jude Catholic Church, 1515 North Greenville Avenue, in Allen 75002 from 8:45 AM to 3:00 PM.
The Empowering Your Career Journey, One Step at a Time workshop will integrate interactive exercises such as S.T.A.R. (Situation. Task. Action. Result.) stories, targeting specific companies, and crafting a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to differentiate themselves from competitors. Attendees will be encouraged to network during breaks and practice skills learned during the sessions.
Parties interested in participating in this job search workshop will need to register online and pay a $25 fee. The fee will cover the cost of a full-color, spiral-bound copy of the presentation, as well as lunch, drinks, and snacks. The link for Online Registration is listed below:
This link connects to a registration form that includes a payment button. Registration forms cannot be submitted until payment is made.
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