St. Jude Career Alliance Job Search Workshop



Central Standard Time



St. Jude Catholic Church
1515 North Greenville Avenue
Allen, Texas 75002

Looking to boost your career opportunities? 

Come join the St. Jude Career Alliance for its comprehensive, faith-based job search workshop:

October 8, 9 AM to 4 PM, on the St. Jude Campus, 1515 North Grenville Avenue in Allen, in the Lecture Hall.

This FREE Job Search Workshop defines what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and why on the job search/career enhancement front.  The all-day Saturday program includes a complimentary copy of The Champion Way 2.0: Land in 4 to 8 Weeks, the career development guide on which this workshop is based, as well as a complimentary lunch, drinks, and snacks.

Parties interested in participating in this FREE job search workshop will need to register online to obtain a copy of The Champion Way 2.0. Copies will be distributed at the workshop.

See link below:


Participants should park in the northeast parking lot on Greenville Avenue, enter through the church office doors, and follow the signs inside to the Lecture Hall.


For more information, contact:

Greg Mechler, St. Jude Career Alliance


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