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Brandy Schade, Gallup Strengths Consultant

One of the most crucial outcomes of the Covid-19 pandemic is the realization that we need to pool our natural strengths and talents to identify solutions for revitalizing the economy.  The Gallup CliftonStrengths principles are recognized as an effective means for individual job seekers – and already-employed groups – to align strengths, skills, and experiences with the most compatible environments in which to thrive.  Brandy Schade, Gallup Strengths Consultant, will be the Expert Speaker at the Wednesday morning, November 18, 9:00-10:30 AM, Zoom meeting offered by the St. Jude Career Alliance Ministry.  In her presentation, Ms. Schade will discuss how Gallup CliftonStrengths allow individual job seekers to play to their strengths in all their endeavors including searching for a job, performing their best at work, and being an effective partner.  Ms. Schade also will explain how awareness of others’ strengths empowers strong partnerships and strengthens the overall team performance.  

Interested parties who wish to join this Zoom meeting should click on:

Pass Code:  019521

Ms. Schade is a global Gallup-certified Strength Coach with 20+ years of industry experience and 6+ years of coaching experience.  As a Gallup CliftonStrengths coach, Ms. Schade helps others to discover and pursue their passions and translate their strengths into successful careers.  Ms. Schade studied Actuarial Science and French at the University of Nebraska.  She then completed her master’s degree in Information Systems Management at Walden University. After spending years focusing on mathematical models and process efficiencies, Ms. Schade realized that people made the world tick.  She shifted gears and turned her attention to helping others figure out what they do best and getting them into positions where they could execute their best every day. This winning philosophy has given Ms. Schade the opportunity to coach over 1,000 individuals over the past five years.  She officially received her Gallup certification in 2018 and continues to teach individuals, teams, and organizations how to optimize their talents today.  Her goal is to enable happy, productive, engaged, successful people.  When people realize and experience their full potential, they add value; when they use their unique gifts, they contribute to society by making a positive impact on the lives of others. Ms. Schade’s LinkedIn Profile:  Ms. Schade’s websites: &

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The  St. Jude Career Alliance Ministry provides tools that job seekers can use to create a strategy and tactics for finding a new job.  Each Expert Speaker presentation is designed to provide participants with insights for achieving quick employment. The St. Jude Career Alliance Ministry meets via Zoom at 9:00 AM most every Wednesday morning (

The St. Jude Career Alliance Ministry also offers a complete job search curriculum that teaches essential skills for landing your dream job. Participation in all St. Jude Career Alliance Ministry Zoom meetings is free of charge.  These meetings are also open to all people of any faith, ethnicity, age, etc.  Everyone is welcome!

For more information, visit or email


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