Live Nativity @ Creekwood UMC



Central Standard Time



Creekwood UMC
265 Country Club
Allen, Texas 75002

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Creekwood United Methodist Church will have a Live Nativity presentation. Bring your family for the retelling of the birth of Jesus Christ. Showtimes are 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30 pm each evening. As part of an inspiring evening, we’ll also have S’mores, crafts, and a hayride.

This is a free program open to the public.

There will be a special showing specifically for those with special needs at 5:30 on Dec. 8.

Seating for the presentation will be at the barn on the property of the church. Some seating is available. Be mindful that the grounds are not an even surface. Please take precaution.

We look forward to seeing you.

Creekwood UMC – Growing Deep Roots To Share God’s Love

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