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On December 2, 2018, First United Methodist Church of Allen (FUMC Allen) hosts the second annual Hearts for Hope dinner in support of former Allen residents and Allen High School graduates, Steven and Lauren Hosack (a.k.a. the Hosacks in Honduras).  The dinner begins at 4:30pm in the church gym located at 601 S Greenville Ave, Allen TX.

The Hosacks are the current volunteer directors at the House of Hope in Puerto Lempira, Honduras. The House of Hope is home to 35-45 children at any one time. This number includes partially disabled, abused, neglected, and/or malnourished children. Steven and Lauren oversee the day-to-day operations at the house, which includes discipline, tutoring, and structure. Children come to the house needing a safe place to sleep, a hot meal to eat, and a mentor to guide them. Most of all, the pair show the children the love of Christ. 

In addition, the Hosacks help the kids with homework, provide clothing and school supplies, or bandage cuts and scratches.

The Hosacks arrived in Puerto Lempira in 2015, and for three years, they have lived in a 9’x16’ room. With the birth of their daughter last year, they have outgrown their current space. "We are dreaming to build a home on property adjacent to the House of Hope,” said Steven Hosack. “This home will not only give us some much needed space and privacy, but a place to relax and recharge, all while staying a stone’s throw away from the children.”

The goal of this year's dinner is to raise $80,000. From this amount, $50,000 will provide the Hosacks with their necessary annual living expenses.  The additional $30,000 will allow them to insert a septic system and construct a home for their family.

“At the inaugural Hearts for Hope dinner in 2017, we were able to raise about half of the funds needed for our home,” said Lauren Hosack.  “These funds allowed us to purchase the land, build a security fence, and drill a 75-foot well with clean drinking water.”

We hope you'll join us to learn about the work of the Hosacks in Honduras, share in their success, and help them help the children of Honduras thrive.

You can purchase tickets at the church, or online HERE. Call the church for more information at 972.727.8261.

For more iinformation about the mission, visit their website.

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