
Apartment Move-Out Cleaning Checklist and Tips

move out cleaning tips

If you're moving out of an apartment, it's important to leave it clean and tidy for the next tenant. To make the process easier, start cleaning from the top down

1. Clear Cobwebs from the Ceiling
When it comes to moving out of a rental property, don't forget to clean the ceiling! This is a step that many people overlook, but it's important to remove any cobwebs or dust that may have accumulated over time.

If you have a popcorn ceiling, use a damp high-nap paint roller to gently roll over the surface and pick up any debris. This method is much gentler than using a broom, which could potentially damage the textured finish.By taking the time to clean the ceiling, you'll leave the property in top condition and increase your chances of getting your full security deposit back.

2. Dust Blinds

When it comes to move-out cleaning, don't forget about the blinds and heaters! An easy and effective hack is to grab an old pair of socks and use one as a glove.


Dip it in water until it's damp, then run your hand across each rung to remove dust. This method works wonders for cleaning heaters as well. Give it a try and see the difference it makes!

3. Wash Windows
When it comes to Move Out cleaning, don't forget about the windows! To get them sparkling clean, use a window or glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth. Be sure to dust off the handles, locks, and sliding tracks (if applicable) before cleaning the glass to ensure a streak-free finish. With these tips, your windows will be looking as good as new in no time!

4. Remove Any Nails and Patch Walls

You can leave your old place looking as good as new. One important step is to patch up any holes or damage to the walls. Use commercial putty and paint in the same color as the wall to restore it to its original state. If your landlord provides these materials, even better! And don't forget to use a putty knife for a smooth and even application.

5. Check Lights

Start by checking all the lightbulbs and replacing any that have burned out. Then, dust the light fixtures and sanitize the light switches with a cleaning wipe. For hard-to-reach ceiling lights, use a duster with an extendable arm, which you can find for just $11 at Target. With these simple steps, you'll be able to leave your old home looking as good as new.

6. Check the Smoke Detector

When it comes to move-out cleaning, don't forget to check your smoke detectors. If you hear a beeping sound, it's likely that the battery needs to be replaced. However, even if there's no beeping, it's important to make sure that all smoke alarms have working batteries, especially if they were already installed when you moved in.

You can easily test the battery life by pressing the test button - if the signal is weak or nonexistent, it's time for new batteries. Don't overlook this important safety measure during your move-out cleaning!

8. Clean the Carpet

Moving out of an apartment can be stressful, but with these cleaning tips, you can make the process a little easier. One common issue is carpet stains, but don't worry - there's an easy solution. First, apply a commercial carpet cleaner (you can find one for as little as $5 at Walmart) and let it sit for a few minutes.

Then, use a microfiber cloth to blot the stain away. Just be sure to use the right product for your specific type of carpet stain. With these tips, your apartment will be looking spotless in no time!

 9. Clean Walls and Baseboards

When it comes to Move Out cleaning, don't forget to give your baseboards and trim some attention. Use the brush attachment on your vacuum to remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated.

If you notice any stains on your walls, grab a microfiber cloth and gently wash them using a cleaner that is safe for the type of paint finish on your walls. With these simple tips, you can leave your old home looking spotless for the next tenants.

10. Room-by-Room Apartment Cleaning: Kitchen

Make sure your kitchen is spotless for inspection. The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in the home, so it can quickly accumulate grease, crumbs, and stains. Take the time to give it a deep cleaning to ensure you leave your apartment in top condition.

11. Wipe Down the Fridge
Cleaning tips for your fridge can make the process a little easier. Start by emptying your refrigerator and throwing out any expired items. Keep your food in a refrigerator while you clean.

For an effective and affordable cleaning solution, mix one-part baking soda with seven parts water in a spray bottle. Use it to clean the inside and outside of your refrigerator, including the drawers, doors, and handles. With these tips, your move cleanup will be a breeze!

12. Clean the Oven
When it comes to Move Out cleaning, tackling the oven can be a daunting task. But don't worry, there are a few tricks to make it easier.

If your oven has an auto-clean setting, use it to save time and effort. If you prefer to clean it yourself, create a paste using water and baking soda, and apply it to the inside of the oven, avoiding the coils. After it dries, spray distilled white vinegar on any remaining residue and wipe it clean. Don't forget to clean the grates and racks as well for a thorough cleaning.

13. Sanitize the Sink, Drain, and Disposal
When it comes to Move Out cleaning, don't forget about the kitchen sink! To clear out any slow drains, try this simple trick: mix one part baking soda with two parts white distilled vinegar.
Pour the mixture down the drain and let it sit for at least 15 minutes before rinsing it out with hot water. After that, give the sink basin a good scrub with some dish soap and hot water, and dry it off with a microfiber cloth. Your sink will be sparkling clean in no time!

14. Clean the Dishwasher

Start by tackling your dishwasher - use a sanitizing wipe to remove any soap scum or hard water spots from the door. Then, follow our step-by-step guide to thoroughly clean the accessories and tub, leaving your dishwasher sparkling clean for the next tenant.

15. Sanitize Countertops

Start with the countertops - use a sanitizing wipe or all-purpose cleaner to quickly clean and disinfect. For tougher stains or discolored grout, mix baking soda and vinegar to make a paste and apply it to the area.


Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a brush and wiping clean with a warm, damp cloth or paper towel. With these simple tips, your rental will be left sparkling clean for the next tenant.

16. Room-by-Room Apartment Cleaning: Bathroom

When it comes to cleaning your bathroom, start by packing up any cosmetics, toiletries, and towels that you won't need in the final days before moving out. This will make it easier to clean and ensure that you don't accidentally leave anything behind. Only keep the essentials on hand until it's time to say goodbye to your old home.

17. Polish Mirrors

Moving out of a rental property can be stressful, but leaving it clean and tidy is essential to getting your security deposit back. One area that often gets overlooked is the bathroom mirror.

To make it shine, use an ammonia-based glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth. Spray the cleaner directly on the mirror and wipe it in a top-to-bottom motion. Avoid circular motions, as they can leave streaks. With a little effort, your mirror will be sparkling clean and your landlord will be impressed!

18. Sanitize the Vanity

When it comes to Move Out cleaning, don't forget to give your bathroom vanity a thorough wipe down. An all-purpose spray is great for cleaning the surface, but for water stains on the faucet, try using distilled white vinegar.
Simply spray it on and wipe it dry with a microfiber cloth for a polished finish. And don't forget to clean out any drawers or cabinets within the vanity for a truly deep clean.

19. Disinfect the Toilet

Moving out of a rental can be stressful, but with these cleaning tips, you can make the process a little easier. One important task is to remove any visible toilet rings. To do this, use an all-purpose bowl cleaner or try one of our surprising toilet cleaning hacks.
After scrubbing the bowl, don't forget to wipe down the seat and tank with a bleach-based cleaning spray. Just be sure to open a window or turn on the bathroom fan to avoid inhaling any fumes.

 20. Scrub the Shower or Bath

To tackle the bathroom, mix vinegar and dish soap to get rid of grime and mold in the tub or shower. Don't forget to clean under shampoo and conditioner bottles where soap scum accumulates.
For a shower, use a squeegee to remove dirt and grime after each use. With these tips, you'll have a sparkling clean bathroom in no time!

21. Dust the Vent

When it comes to Move Out cleaning, don't forget about the bathroom fan! Even if you can't access the circuit breaker, you can still give it a good cleaning with a stepladder and a can of air to remove any dust buildup.

For a deeper clean, take off the cover and follow our steps for cleaning the interior of the fan. Your landlord will appreciate the extra effort!

22. Mop the Floor

When it comes to cleaning the bathroom, start by clearing any loose items and debris from the floor using a vacuum or broom. Then, give the floors a thorough mopping with soapy water to leave them sparkling clean. With these simple steps, you'll be one step closer to a successful move-out!

23. Balcony and Outdoor Space

When it comes to Move Out cleaning, don't forget to take care of your outdoor space. If you have a balcony or patio, make sure to clear out any personal items before you start cleaning. This will make it easier to sweep or mop the area and ensure that you don't accidentally damage any of your belongings.

24. Laundry Room

When it comes to moving out of a rental property, it's important to leave the place clean and tidy for the next tenants. One often overlooked area is the washer and dryer. Make sure to give them a thorough cleaning before you leave. Wipe down the exterior and interior of the machines, including the drum and lint trap. Don't forget to run a cleaning cycle with hot water and vinegar to remove any buildup or odors. This will ensure that the next tenants have a fresh start with their laundry.

Before you leave, make sure to go through this checklist of essential cleaning tasks to ensure that you leave your apartment in top condition. Once you've completed these tasks, you can rest easy knowing that you've done everything you can to leave your apartment in the best possible state.


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