Allen BubbleLife -
How Small Businesses Can Compete With Big Businesses

One of my favorite aspects of social media is that it really levels the playing field. What do I mean by that? No matter who you are — a solo entrepreneur, a small business, or a large corporation — we all advertise in the same space. 

If you’re a small business you may not be able to afford radio spots, or a huge billboard in a busy location, or a TV commercial. Think about the Superbowl commercials: there’s just no way a solo entrepreneur or small business owner can fit into that space! However, Facebook, Twitter, Google and all the other social media channels allow us to to use the exact same media space as the big businesses, and to really compete at the same level. 

Think about this: Everyone walks around with a smartphone, an iPad, of some kind of screen. (Look around you next time you’re dining out, or at a stoplight!) People are constantly engaged with their phones and devices, on various social media channels. When small businesses take advantage of this, they can really stay connected with their customers and compete with just about anyone out there. You might not have the big TV commercials, but you have big exposure anyway!

This is why I highly recommend that you are active with your social media. And if you don’t have time because you’re too busy running your business to manage your social media, let us know! We’d be happy to help you out. Feel free to add your feedback by commenting below. Thanks! 

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Thursday, 11 June 2015