Dr. Montague's Carnival of the Bizarre



Central Standard Time



Allen Contemporary Theatre
1210 E. Main St. #300
Allen, Texas 75002

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Dr. Montague's Carnival of the Bizarre is coming Oct 28-29!

Dr. Montague's Carnival of the Bizarre is Allen Contemporary Theatre's first ever Halloween show! Written by two local playwrights, Bill and Bishop Wash, it is a lighthearted and comical (and wonderfully ridiculous) version of the carnival sideshow.

The "carnival" is performing Halloween weekend ONLY and features some of the Metroplex's best actors as well as live musical accompaniment. 

Dr. Montague’s Carnival of the Bizarre will astound you with its reverie of raucous, rambunctious, semi-reptilian rarities, riddled with rabies and rightfully roped into this realm of righteous reality.

Dr. Montague’s story is one of grand adventure, loves lost, spirits summoned, friendships formed, and fortunes frittered – all in the pursuit of these truly unique individuals and oddities which never cease to amaze the multitudes that flock to his humble shows. Are they monstrosities or monstrously funny? Come see the show and decide for yourself. 

Dr. Montague's Carnival of the Bizarre is rated PG for minor sexual innuendo.

Tickets can be purchased online at or at the door.

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