New York Times Bestseller Taylor Anderson at Allen



Central Standard Time



Allen Public Library
300 N. Allen Dr. Allen Tx
Allen, TX, Texas 75013

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Taylor Anderson, The New York Times bestselling author of the Destroyermen series, will speak at the Allen Public Library 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 11. Admission to the program is free.

Written from 2008 to 2020, Destroyermen is a series of 15 novels and 2 short stories, telling the saga of the men of two United States Wickes-class destroyers. They get transported in March 1942 to an alternate Earth in which dinosaurs evolved into a dominant sentient life form.

A gunmaker and forensic ballistic archaeologist, Taylor has been a technical and dialogue consultant for movies and documentaries, including the 2004 movie The Alamo.

Taylor holds a master’s degree in history and has taught at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas. He lives near Granbury with his family.

Can’t be there in person? The program will be streamed live on ACTV. Find viewing options at Watch ACTV or view online at or

The library is located at 300 N. Allen Dr.  Call 214-509-4911 for additional information.

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