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Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with last breath of each soldier who died protecting it. --Author unknown.  

Enjoy a Memorial Day concert with the New Horizons Band at 2:30 p.m. Friday, May 24, at the Allen Public Library, 300 N. Allen Dr.  Under the direction of Lorenzo Parker and with vocals by Billy Bonner, the audience will be treated to The Black Horse Troop March by John Philip Sousa, Grant Them Rest by Barbara Buehlman, Texas Star March by David Lovrien and many more. 

In addition, the solemn presentation of the colors will be offered by VFW Post 2195. 

This concert is sponsored by the Allen Senior Recreation Center and the Allen Public Library.   Many thanks to the Flower Cottage and Ridgeview Florists for the floral wreaths, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Quality Healthcare Choices for flower bouquets.   Allen Quilters Guild have offered “Welcoming Quilts.”   

Admission to the program is free, and the presentation will also be streamed live.  Find viewing options at Watch ACTV or view online at or

Call 214-509-4911 for additional information. 

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